Important Event Dates!
February 5: Regular school day for staff and students, all day
February 6: Adams Course Fair, AM schedule
February 12: Board of Education, Regular Meeting, Van Hoosen Middle School, 6:00 PM
Spring Student Count Day, all day
February 16: Midwinter recess begins at end of day, grades ECSE-12 and ATPS
Crosstown Showdown, Oakland University, O'Rena, 5:30 p.m./7:00 p.m. (Girls/Boys, respectively)
February 19: Midwinter recess, ECSE-grades 12 and ATPS, all day
Midwinter recess for Early Childhood Special Education - grade 12 and Adult Transition Program students, all day
February 20: Midwinter recess, ECSE-grades 12 and ATPS, all day
Midwinter recess for Early Childhood Special Education - grade 12 and Adult Transition Program students, all day
February 21: Classes resume
February 26: Board of Education Special Meeting, Van Hoosen Middle School, 6:00 PM
February 27: No school for students, District-wide
Election Day, District-wide
PD for staff
February 29: High school conferences, via Zoom, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
February 5: Regular school day for staff and students, all day
February 6: Adams Course Fair, AM schedule
February 12: Board of Education, Regular Meeting, Van Hoosen Middle School, 6:00 PM
Spring Student Count Day, all day
February 16: Midwinter recess begins at end of day, grades ECSE-12 and ATPS
Crosstown Showdown, Oakland University, O'Rena, 5:30 p.m./7:00 p.m. (Girls/Boys, respectively)
February 19: Midwinter recess, ECSE-grades 12 and ATPS, all day
Midwinter recess for Early Childhood Special Education - grade 12 and Adult Transition Program students, all day
February 20: Midwinter recess, ECSE-grades 12 and ATPS, all day
Midwinter recess for Early Childhood Special Education - grade 12 and Adult Transition Program students, all day
February 21: Classes resume
February 26: Board of Education Special Meeting, Van Hoosen Middle School, 6:00 PM
February 27: No school for students, District-wide
Election Day, District-wide
PD for staff
February 29: High school conferences, via Zoom, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
(February 1st - February 29th)
Celebrating the past, present, and future accomplishments and contributions of African-Americans; nationally and globally!
Special Guest: Charlotte Morey
Ms. Morey's Engineering 1 (Semester One) students are, “Creating a Pattern” and “Interpreting technical directions.”
Credit: Rochester Adams Marketing Program
To view the School Annual Education Report (AER), click on the link below:
Report PARTIAL AND FULL DAY ABSENCES right into your ParentVue Account by pressing In the Note section state the time of the early dismissal or late arrival then hit SAVE. This is the #1 preferred option. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT! |
The safety and security of all students and staff at Adams High is always a top priority. To help us in these efforts, please see the information below:
- During Arrival students can enter through 3 entrances, Main (Door 1), Athletics (Door 22), and Highlander Highway (Door 10). All external doors will be locked at 7:30 AM.
- Campus will remain closed throughout the school day. All grades will have lunch on campus.
- Students are NOT to utilize fast food delivery services. For example, DoorDash, GrubHub, Instacart, or Uber Eats, etc. for food delivery.
- If students are traveling to other campuses throughout the day, they are asked to check out of AHS in the Attendance Office and check back in when they return.
- Students are encouraged to utilize their assigned lockers to minimize their belongings in the classroom.
- If you see something, say something. Please report all safety and security concerns to the Main Office Staff or to Deputy Dan Prachar.
All students who park on campus must have a parking pass on file and that pass must be on display in your car to park in any AHS parking lots. Oakland County Sheriff’s and administrators have begun patrolling our lots as of, Monday, September 25, 2023. Cars without passes can and will be ticketed.
Parking passes are still available for purchase throughout the 2023-2024 school year. See: Mrs. Kari Dennis for parking passes in the Assistant Principal’s Office.
Click for parking pass registration information.
If you need to reach out to your student’s counselor, please see below for contact information.
(International Exchange Students are supported by counselors via alpha arrangement)
2024-2025 Course Scheduling
Scheduling for next school year began this week. Counselors met with freshmen in large groups on Wednesday, Jan. 31st to explain the options and the process. If students have remaining questions, remind them that they will be meeting individually with their counselors the week of Feb. 12th to review choices before anything is finalized.
SENIORS: Transcript & College App. Info.
Colleges may ask for mid-year grades from your senior. In order to request an updated transcript, please have your student log in to Parchment ( and send the transcript to the requesting college(s) using the “Order” option. 1st semester grades are posted on February 6th, so if you’re making the Parchment request prior to Feb. 6th, choose the “Hold for Grades” option. After Feb. 6th, choose the “Send Now” option.
Information for seniors regarding college applications, transcripts, Common App., and more is found on the AHS Class of 2024 Google Classroom and the Senior Weebly.
SENIORS: Scholarships
Now is the time for seniors to be applying for college scholarships. Here are some resources:
- The “Scholarship” button on the Adams Counseling web page HERE
- Seniors should review ALL scholarship opportunities at the colleges where they’re applying.
- The RCS Foundation Scholarship Program scholarships can be found HERE. Applications are due by February 4th.
- There are various, helpful scholarship search engines such as .
PSAT scores are available to juniors via their CollegeBoard accounts. Students need to log into (or create) their CollegeBoard accounts in order to view their scores. Counselors do not have access to log into students’ CollegeBoard accounts for them. If students are having difficulty logging into their accounts, they can call CollegeBoard at 866-433-7728 or email them here: [email protected] . For more information, check our Weebly here:
On Nov. 8th, Randy Maddock, the OSTC counselor, spoke to all sophomores about the programs available at OSTC. Students were given information to take home, and there is information posted on their Google Classrooms. For more information, please see the attached fliers about information nights. Also, the online application for the 24-25 school year is open here: Some programs fill up very quickly, so don’t delay applying.
FAFSA/Financial Aid Info.
- The new FAFSA form is available HERE. Changes have been made to the FAFSA for the 2024-2025 school year that will affect many of our students. If you missed the presentation from Oakland University on 11/27, here’s the link to the information presented:
- Students and parents are welcome to contact the Financial Aid Office of any college/university with questions.
- Regarding the Free/Reduced Lunch question on FAFSA: Students should not select that they qualify for free/reduced lunch solely because they received free lunch in 2023. (Lunches have been free for all MI students this school year.) The FAFSA qualification is based on the family's income and eligibility criteria. Students should select the appropriate option based on their family's income eligibility. For detailed guidance on each question on FAFSA, see the FAFSA Official Website.
Career Exploration/EDP’s
Counselors met with all grades for career exploration and state-required EDP completion. We also shared pertinent information with students regarding upcoming dates, tips for high school enjoyment and success, and more. Your student’s Xello account is always available for them to continue career/college/training exploration anytime they’d like.
Work Permits
- You can obtain a work permit in the counseling office as well as in the vestibule outside of the main office.
- Make sure to choose the appropriate form (there is a form for UNDER 16 and a separate form for 16 & 17 years old).
- Complete Section I, have your employer complete Section II, then bring it back to AHS to be completed. If a parent is bringing the form for their student, we will need a photo ID of the student in order to complete the work permit.
- Work permits are completed between the hours of 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Monday-Friday.
February is CTE Month!
For more information, click 2024 Career Focused Program Booklet and CTE Course Offerings at RCS
For more information, click 2024 Career Focused Program Booklet and CTE Course Offerings at RCS
Hello Highlanders!
We would like to congratulate the 2024 Adams High Founders Day recipients. Founders Day honors outstanding volunteers at the PTSA level every year and we are so fortunate to have these three on our team!
MaryAnne O'Connor for her work leading the Welcome Committee and volunteering behind the scenes over the years for anything needed, especially Staff Appreciation. She is a bright and positive light wherever she goes.
Izzie Bass for her leadership on the Welcome Committee and Green Schools and her overall amazing attitude. Izzie is involved in so many school activities, teams and committees, it's a wonder she has time to sleep!
Pasquale Cusumano for his amazing leadership at every level. His partnership and advocacy for all students and staff allow the PTSA to support our many efforts in the best and most efficient ways possible. His enthusiasm and love for the Adams community is evident in everything he does.
We would like to congratulate the 2024 Adams High Founders Day recipients. Founders Day honors outstanding volunteers at the PTSA level every year and we are so fortunate to have these three on our team!
MaryAnne O'Connor for her work leading the Welcome Committee and volunteering behind the scenes over the years for anything needed, especially Staff Appreciation. She is a bright and positive light wherever she goes.
Izzie Bass for her leadership on the Welcome Committee and Green Schools and her overall amazing attitude. Izzie is involved in so many school activities, teams and committees, it's a wonder she has time to sleep!
Pasquale Cusumano for his amazing leadership at every level. His partnership and advocacy for all students and staff allow the PTSA to support our many efforts in the best and most efficient ways possible. His enthusiasm and love for the Adams community is evident in everything he does.
For more information about upcoming events click the link below:
(If you have not ordered your cap and gown, there is still time to order)
Click the link below for cap and gown orders:
(If you have not ordered your cap and gown, there is still time to order)
Click the link below for cap and gown orders:
SENIOR ALL-NIGHT PARTY at Dave & Buster’s in Utica for the Adams High School Class of 2024 following commencement ceremonies on May 29, 2024!
The Senior All-Night Party (SANP) is an Adams High School tradition, offering a safe place for seniors to spend time with their friends on graduation night.
Purchase tickets now and SAVE! Purchase your SANP ticket now for $95 before the price goes up on Nov. 23, 2023. Cost is $95 until Nov. 22, 2023, or $125 beginning Nov. 23. Ticket prices include transportation between Adams and Dave & Busters, plus games, food, entertainment, caricature artists and more.
Details and volunteer opportunities will be shared this spring.
TICKETS WILL NOT BE SOLD AT THE DOOR. Please note: SANP links were not available during registration at the start of the year. Families did not complete this information in August.
For more information, contact Julie Adams at [email protected] or Kelly Zazeckis at [email protected].
Families with financial circumstances may contact Assistant Principal Luke Swanson for confidential assistance at 248-726-5200.
To register your senior, please click below for the waiver and payment portal.
STEP ONE: Click or scan for SANP waiver:
STEP TWO: Click or scan for SANP online payment:
The Senior All-Night Party (SANP) is an Adams High School tradition, offering a safe place for seniors to spend time with their friends on graduation night.
Purchase tickets now and SAVE! Purchase your SANP ticket now for $95 before the price goes up on Nov. 23, 2023. Cost is $95 until Nov. 22, 2023, or $125 beginning Nov. 23. Ticket prices include transportation between Adams and Dave & Busters, plus games, food, entertainment, caricature artists and more.
Details and volunteer opportunities will be shared this spring.
TICKETS WILL NOT BE SOLD AT THE DOOR. Please note: SANP links were not available during registration at the start of the year. Families did not complete this information in August.
For more information, contact Julie Adams at [email protected] or Kelly Zazeckis at [email protected].
Families with financial circumstances may contact Assistant Principal Luke Swanson for confidential assistance at 248-726-5200.
To register your senior, please click below for the waiver and payment portal.
STEP ONE: Click or scan for SANP waiver:
STEP TWO: Click or scan for SANP online payment:

2023-2024 Sports Physicals
The 3 RCS High Schools utilizes Final Forms for online athletic registration and uploading the MHSAA physical. To create your account click the link
Students also need to pay to participate for any sport they are in. This can found at the following link:
If you have any questions regarding the physical forms, please contact Amanda Elston, AHS Athletic Secretary in the athletics office at (248) 726-5272 or at [email protected]. Also, feel free to contact Shane Holler, Athletic Director at (248) 726-5208 or [email protected].
Please remember that a MHSAA pre-participation sports physical is required for all RCS student-athletes who participate in sports during the 2023-24 school year. A valid 2023-24 physical examination must be completed on or after April 15, 2023.
- This physical MUST BE SIGNED BY A DOCTOR and uploaded to your Final Forms account. Please make sure you and your student athlete have signed all forms where signatures are needed in final forms.
- Your student athlete will have a red icon if something is not filled out.
- FINAL FORMS must be submitted online (See below attachment) or click here. For further information, please reference the athletic webpage on the RCS website at:
📣 Attention Athletic Booster Club Community!
What is the Booster Club?
Great questions!
Our athletic booster program is a game-changer for our student athletes! It is a catalyst for building a strong, united, and thriving sports community that benefits athletes, coaches and the entire community which supports a positive attitude around the program.
Our Booster program generates funds through membership dues, concessions, merchandise and spirit wear sales, fundraisers, donation and the dedicated work of many volunteers who believe that athletics is one of the greatest educational experiences of a lifetime.
A non-profit organization, the Boosters support all Rochester Adams sports in the form of scholarships, grants, equipment, and fees. Since 2017, Booster Club has granted over $35,000 in grant requests to our teams and our Athletics program!!
I am so glad you asked!
By becoming a Booster Supporter, you help us provide exceptional support to our athletes that goes beyond what each team can do individually to generate funding.
The contributions from our supporters helps us go above and beyond what we earn from concessions and merchandise. The funding we generate enables us to enhance our athletes' experience, from equipment, bags, warm up’s, special requests from teams in order to help reduce team fees, awards, concussion testing, HUDL and so much more!
We're excited to share our upgraded Booster Supporter program with you! To make it even more accessible, we've created NEW tiers of support!
Become a Booster Supporter today and make a lasting impact on our athletes' success! Let’s keep our Booster Club strong and growing with each season!
As a Booster Club we are continuously looking for ways to support our Adams Highlander Athletes! Thank you for your continued support.
Online - Please Click Link to Google Form: or Rochester Adams Athletic Boosters Registration Form to register.
What is the Booster Club?
Great questions!
Our athletic booster program is a game-changer for our student athletes! It is a catalyst for building a strong, united, and thriving sports community that benefits athletes, coaches and the entire community which supports a positive attitude around the program.
Our Booster program generates funds through membership dues, concessions, merchandise and spirit wear sales, fundraisers, donation and the dedicated work of many volunteers who believe that athletics is one of the greatest educational experiences of a lifetime.
A non-profit organization, the Boosters support all Rochester Adams sports in the form of scholarships, grants, equipment, and fees. Since 2017, Booster Club has granted over $35,000 in grant requests to our teams and our Athletics program!!
I am so glad you asked!
By becoming a Booster Supporter, you help us provide exceptional support to our athletes that goes beyond what each team can do individually to generate funding.
The contributions from our supporters helps us go above and beyond what we earn from concessions and merchandise. The funding we generate enables us to enhance our athletes' experience, from equipment, bags, warm up’s, special requests from teams in order to help reduce team fees, awards, concussion testing, HUDL and so much more!
We're excited to share our upgraded Booster Supporter program with you! To make it even more accessible, we've created NEW tiers of support!
Become a Booster Supporter today and make a lasting impact on our athletes' success! Let’s keep our Booster Club strong and growing with each season!
As a Booster Club we are continuously looking for ways to support our Adams Highlander Athletes! Thank you for your continued support.
Online - Please Click Link to Google Form: or Rochester Adams Athletic Boosters Registration Form to register.
Rochester Community Schools has new Athletics websites! All up to date athletics schedules and information will now be available at:
Please update any bookmarks you may have to point to our new athletics site. New and updated information will no longer be posted on the VNN site.
Please update any bookmarks you may have to point to our new athletics site. New and updated information will no longer be posted on the VNN site.
Gift of Life Challenge:
The Adams HOSA (Healthcare Occupations Students of America) Club is thrilled to participate in the Gift of Life Challenge, an exciting project where we will be advocating for organ donation and transplantation. Through a multitude of activities, we strive to educate our community about the significance of organ donation and the true difference each donor provides: the gift of life.
If you are interested in potentially being an Organ Donor, please visit this link ( For more information, please visit the Michigan Organ Donor Registry website.
We are excited to embark on this initiative and appreciate your support!

Information regarding Chartwells Food Services at RCS can be found at:
The Michigan School Meals program will offer universal free breakfast and lunch during the 2023-24 school year for all public school students in transitional kindergarten through high school and preschoolers in the Great Start Readiness Program. Families are not required to apply for free school meals. All students are automatically eligible every school day. Families in need are still encouraged to complete an application for benefits to qualify for additional community resources. The form used in previous years was the Free and Reduced Meal Price Application.
The new form is the Application for Summer EBT and Education Benefits for Michigan School Meals Program, which may entitle students to benefits, discounts and waivers including:
The new form is the Application for Summer EBT and Education Benefits for Michigan School Meals Program, which may entitle students to benefits, discounts and waivers including:
- Free pay-to-participate extracurricular activities and club fees
- School-age care (SAC)
- Testing and college application fees
- Field trips, school activities, senior all-night parties, etc.
- Operation School Bell, Assistance League of Southeastern Michigan
- Rochester Area Youth Assistance
- Blessings in a Backpack
- Other assistance and resources through charitable organizations
ParentVUE and StudentVUE Logins
Parents can obtain login information via ParentVUE for their students in all grades and programs. Please note that students in grades 6-12 are able to change their own passwords and ParentVUE will only display the initial password.
Parents can visit the Remote Learning @ RCS page for more details.
Parents can obtain login information via ParentVUE for their students in all grades and programs. Please note that students in grades 6-12 are able to change their own passwords and ParentVUE will only display the initial password.
Parents can visit the Remote Learning @ RCS page for more details.
- ParentVUE (web browser) - go to Student Info.
- ParentVUE (app) - go to Student Info > Additional Information.
- If a student needs a password reset, you can use our support form. It is the first item under the Contact Us grid in the link above.
- If you are still having trouble logging in, please email [email protected]
The District Chromebook Troubleshooting website is now live (See below). It has the most common problems that students are experiencing and how they can try to fix them. We are hoping that this will get students back to work a little quicker.
PLEASE NOTE: We have taken down the RCS Tech Support Ticket site. If a student needs help with their Chromebook, they should look at the troubleshooting site first. If they can’t fix it from the information on that page, they can make an appointment to swap out their Chromebook or they can call Technology Services (number is on the Troubleshooting page).
PLEASE NOTE: We have taken down the RCS Tech Support Ticket site. If a student needs help with their Chromebook, they should look at the troubleshooting site first. If they can’t fix it from the information on that page, they can make an appointment to swap out their Chromebook or they can call Technology Services (number is on the Troubleshooting page).
Stay up to date on all the Highlander happenings by following us on:
Facebook; Instagram; and Twitter. Click below. |
WELLNESS! As we continue to care for the social-emotional health and well-being of our school community, we would like to remind our students, families, and staff of some valuable resources. To access a list of available support systems and help lines, please visit our website or go to: |
COURTESY DRIVING SCHOOLCourtesy Driving School is holding their Segment 1 and Segment 2 classes at our high school again!
You can register for their classes at The fall sessions are now posted and open for enrollment. You can contact Courtesy Driving School at (800) 256-9559 or by email at [email protected] if you have any questions. Courtesy Driving School Business Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. |
RAHCC RECRUITINGThe Rochester Auburn Hills Community Coalition (RAHCC) Youth Action Council is looking for middle and high school students to volunteer for community events all year long. Students will gain leadership skills, earn community service hours and help make a difference. The RAHCC supports mental health, builds awareness about substance misuse, and encourages healthy lifestyle choices through programming in the schools and throughout the community. The Coalition also awards a scholarship to deserving students. If interested, please send an email with your name, grade (in the fall) and school to:
Mrs. Schurman, Community Outreach Coordinator for Rochester Community Schools. [email protected] |
Mr. Pasquale Cusumano, Principal
Ms. Susan Demeniuk, Assistant Principal
Mr. Luke Swanson, Assistant Principal
Mr. Pasquale Cusumano, Principal
Ms. Susan Demeniuk, Assistant Principal
Mr. Luke Swanson, Assistant Principal