March 19th, 2021
Important Dates
March 19th: AM Half Day School
PM Teachers Records Day
March 22nd: No School - Professional Development
March 26th: Spring Recess Begins at the End of the Day
March 27th - April 2th: Spring Recess
April 5th: Classes Resume
April 13th - 15th PSAT/SAT/Work Skills Testing - details to be announced
Please see our calendar page above for a complete list of dates for the year.
No School Monday, March 22nd
Classes will not be held for students on Monday, March 22nd. This proactive measure provides an extra day for potential vaccination side effects to subside for our staff members. In addition, our staff will engage in professional development and collaboration in order to continue to refine best practices for in-person instruction as well as quarantine support.
Class hours for Tuesday, March 23rd - Friday, March 26th will be as originally scheduled.
Class hours for Tuesday, March 23rd - Friday, March 26th will be as originally scheduled.
Food Distribution Date Added - March 22nd
Alert for next week! A food distribution date has been added for families who are registered for free curbside meals.
Next week only, there will be two distribution dates to provide extra meals during the RCS spring break. Food service is unavailable during the spring break school closure, which is scheduled for March 27 - April 4.
Adjusted meal pick-up will be available as follows:
For questions or clarification, please contact the food services office at 248-726-4618 or email [email protected].
Next week only, there will be two distribution dates to provide extra meals during the RCS spring break. Food service is unavailable during the spring break school closure, which is scheduled for March 27 - April 4.
Adjusted meal pick-up will be available as follows:
- Monday, March 22, from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. at the regular designated location
- Wednesday, March 24, from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. at the regular designated location
For questions or clarification, please contact the food services office at 248-726-4618 or email [email protected].
AHS Charity Week Update
AHS students and staff have had a fun week participating in various activities, themed spirit days, and in the end working together to raise money for our charity Common Ground. As of Friday, our Student Council has collected approximately $20,000 in cash donations (and still counting) during the school week. This truly amazing feat was accomplished through the work of our students, parents, and staff working together. STUCO had fun prizes like Knapp’s Donuts, Bruegger’s Bagels, Beyond Juice Smoothies, The Mini Donut Truck, Crushed Smoothies, Johnny Black’s breakfast, Chick-Fil-a, Coldstone Creamery, Taco Bell, and Nothing Bundt Cakes. Combined with our local business donations, which are too numerous to list here, we had a very successful week of charity. One of the most popular days was Wednesday when the Mini Doughnut Truck and Crushed Smoothies visited Adams.
All of our donations go to Common Ground. Common Ground is a 24-hour crisis services agency dedicated to helping youths, adults, and families in crisis. Through their crisis line and in person, they provide professional and compassionate service to more than 80,000 people each year. Every member of their team is dedicated to their core purpose and guided by their core values.
Common Ground; a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing 24/7 support to victims of crime, mental illness, abuse, and workplace violence. Based in Oakland County, Common Ground works to develop a safe, healthy and supportive community in our county.
Thank you to all students, parents and staff for your contributions
All of our donations go to Common Ground. Common Ground is a 24-hour crisis services agency dedicated to helping youths, adults, and families in crisis. Through their crisis line and in person, they provide professional and compassionate service to more than 80,000 people each year. Every member of their team is dedicated to their core purpose and guided by their core values.
Common Ground; a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing 24/7 support to victims of crime, mental illness, abuse, and workplace violence. Based in Oakland County, Common Ground works to develop a safe, healthy and supportive community in our county.
Thank you to all students, parents and staff for your contributions
AHS School Store Now Open For All Your Adams Gear
AHS Picture Retake Day - March 25th
Kaiser Studios will be at Adams High School on Thursday, March 25th from 8:00 - 11:00 am for picture retakes and for students who missed picture day. Pictures taken on March 1st or 5th, will be delivered prior to picture retakes. If you want your picture retaken, you must bring your picture packet with you and turn into Kaiser when you have your picture retaken.
If you are having your picture taken for the 1st time, you can print the Kaiser Order Form and bring it with payment on picture day. The pre-pay online ordering is not available at this time, but parents may still call Kaiser Customer Service at 248.619.9119 to place an order.
If you are having your picture taken for the 1st time, you can print the Kaiser Order Form and bring it with payment on picture day. The pre-pay online ordering is not available at this time, but parents may still call Kaiser Customer Service at 248.619.9119 to place an order.
Order Your Award Winning Yearbook Today!
Time is running out to order the AHS award winning yearbook! Our yearbook staff has been working diligently, and creatively, to create another fabulous yearbook! Order soon! To purchase your yearbook click here.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mr. Dave Lovalvo, Yearbook Advisor at [email protected].
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mr. Dave Lovalvo, Yearbook Advisor at [email protected].
AHS Retired Athletic Director Jason Rapp Named Regional Athletic Director of the Year!

Michigan’s professional organization of school athletic directors, the Michigan Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (MIAAA), has selected Jason Rapp of Rochester Adams High School as the Region 11 Athletic Director of the Year. One of only 14 athletic administrators statewide to be honored by the MIAAA, Jason will be presented the award locally (date to be determined) as the MIAAA Annual Conference in Traverse City was canceled this year.
Jason has been an athletic administrator at Rochester Adams High School for the past 24 years serving as the longest tenured AD in the history of the school before retiring this Fall. Jason’s journey began at Western Michigan University, working four years (1985-89) as the student manager for the men's basketball team. He earned his Masters in Athletic Administration at Kent State University, where he served as a football graduate assistant for two years (1989-91). He interned at the Charlotte Coliseum in NC (1991-92) followed by a stint as an event manager at Lexington Center Corporation in Lexington, KY (1992-93). Jason coached baseball at Rochester Adams (1994-96) before transitioning to the athletic director role in the fall of 1996, serving until the Fall of 2020.
During his tenure he was the President of the Oakland County Athletic Directors Association (OCADA) and the President of the Oakland Activities Association (OAA). Jason organized and facilitated a charity football game event in 2015 that generated in excess of $10,000 for the military charity, Operation Homefront. In 2015 he was awarded the Oakland County Athletic Directors' Association (OCADA) AD of the Year Award. As a World War II buff, he twice visited Normandy beaches in France and created a D-Day invasion living history lesson that was presented for 20 years at area high schools, community libraries, the Yankee Air Museum and the Kellogg Corporation. Jason is also a licensed pilot who is on the panel of voters for the Michigan Aviation Hall of Fame.
The MIAAA is a 60+ year-old association with over 700 members serving as athletic administrators in numerous high schools and junior high/middle schools in Michigan. As partners with the Michigan High School Athletic Association, the MIAAA works to promote the educational value of interscholastic athletics and the role and profession of athletic administrators. The MIAAA is very proud to spotlight the work of Jason Rapp---a dedicated member of his community that puts others first while striving for excellence on and off the fields of competition.
Congratulations Jason and thank you for your dedication and many years of service at Adams!
Jason has been an athletic administrator at Rochester Adams High School for the past 24 years serving as the longest tenured AD in the history of the school before retiring this Fall. Jason’s journey began at Western Michigan University, working four years (1985-89) as the student manager for the men's basketball team. He earned his Masters in Athletic Administration at Kent State University, where he served as a football graduate assistant for two years (1989-91). He interned at the Charlotte Coliseum in NC (1991-92) followed by a stint as an event manager at Lexington Center Corporation in Lexington, KY (1992-93). Jason coached baseball at Rochester Adams (1994-96) before transitioning to the athletic director role in the fall of 1996, serving until the Fall of 2020.
During his tenure he was the President of the Oakland County Athletic Directors Association (OCADA) and the President of the Oakland Activities Association (OAA). Jason organized and facilitated a charity football game event in 2015 that generated in excess of $10,000 for the military charity, Operation Homefront. In 2015 he was awarded the Oakland County Athletic Directors' Association (OCADA) AD of the Year Award. As a World War II buff, he twice visited Normandy beaches in France and created a D-Day invasion living history lesson that was presented for 20 years at area high schools, community libraries, the Yankee Air Museum and the Kellogg Corporation. Jason is also a licensed pilot who is on the panel of voters for the Michigan Aviation Hall of Fame.
The MIAAA is a 60+ year-old association with over 700 members serving as athletic administrators in numerous high schools and junior high/middle schools in Michigan. As partners with the Michigan High School Athletic Association, the MIAAA works to promote the educational value of interscholastic athletics and the role and profession of athletic administrators. The MIAAA is very proud to spotlight the work of Jason Rapp---a dedicated member of his community that puts others first while striving for excellence on and off the fields of competition.
Congratulations Jason and thank you for your dedication and many years of service at Adams!
Registration for Spring Credit by Exam Due on April 15th
Rochester Community Schools, in compliance with Michigan State law, offers an opportunity to earn high school credit by taking an examination for a course that the student has not been enrolled in. This is designed to allow students to test out of a course that the student can show mastery in without taking the course. In general, RCS offers an opportunity to test out of single semester courses in January, and full year courses in May. Testing dates are May 7th and May 15th.
Eligible students include current 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders who would like to test out of up to 2 yearlong courses or up to 4 single semester courses.
Please see the ATTACHED PACKET for details regarding the Spring Exam for Credit. The application should be completed via Google Doc and the link is on the last page of the packet. Packets may also be obtained in the Counseling Office and the application is available via a QR code on the back page. Applications must be submitted no later than Thursday, April 15th.
Eligible students include current 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders who would like to test out of up to 2 yearlong courses or up to 4 single semester courses.
Please see the ATTACHED PACKET for details regarding the Spring Exam for Credit. The application should be completed via Google Doc and the link is on the last page of the packet. Packets may also be obtained in the Counseling Office and the application is available via a QR code on the back page. Applications must be submitted no later than Thursday, April 15th.
National Honor Society Applications Now Available
For Juniors & Seniors
Dear 2021/22 National Honors Society Candidate:
Congratulations on the decision to seek membership in NHS! The purpose of Adams’ Magna Cum Laude Chapter of NHS is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to promote leadership, and to develop character among the students of Adams High School.
NHS has stringent requirements for membership. Most membership requirements are set by national guidelines. For example, candidates must have been in attendance at Adams for at least one semester before they can apply. Also, freshman and sophomores are not eligible for membership; only students who will be juniors or seniors for the 2021/2022 school year, are eligible.
This year, due to the ongoing pandemic, the guidelines and application process have been modified. The application is completely online. Candidates must complete the Google Form “NHS Application 2021/2022” and submit no later than 12 midnight on March 26, 2021.
Normally, to be considered for membership, a student must have a 3.500 cumulative grade point average. If students believe their GPA WILL be a 3.5 or above AFTER Semester 2 of the 20/21 school year, they are still eligible for acceptance into NHS. If, after Semester 2 of the 20/21 school year, their cumulative GPA is below a 3.5, they will be dismissed from NHS.
Students need to provide the names (first and last) of five faculty members from Adams High School they believe will give them a glowing recommendation. The teachers will be given an evaluation form to provide feedback about the student upon submission of the application. It is a strong suggestion for students to first email the teachers and ask their permission to use them as a reference.
Another part of the application process is required activity hours. Students will complete the corresponding sections on the Google Form “NHS Application 2021/2022” by providing dates, descriptions, hours served, and full contact information for the activity sponsors. Please refer to the “Activity Guidelines” page for a complete explanation of what activities count and do not count. All eligible activities done between March 2019 and March 2021 may count towards NHS.
Once the Google Form “NHS Application 2021/2022” is completed, students must click the submit button in order to be considered for membership. Please forward all questions regarding activities and the application process to [email protected].
After submission, a Faculty Council will screen the applications and decide which candidates will be accepted. Because we do not yet know what the spring will bring, we ask that you please be patient with the process. Candidates will be informed of the final decision through their school appointed Gmail account by April 23, 2021. Junior candidates not accepted this year will have the opportunity to re-apply the following school year.
The plans for an Induction ceremony are currently placed on hold until there is more information regarding the remainder of the school year.
Once inducted, there are requirements for continued membership in NHS. Members must attend monthly meetings, pay annual dues, maintain a 3.500 grade point average, and participate in NHS, school, and community service projects. Members must provide service to Adams by working at school activities each semester, such as Curriculum Night, Conferences, Honors Convocation or Commencement. Service to the Community may involve helping at an event such as Arts and Apples, or helping out at middle and elementary schools. In addition, members must attend the Induction ceremony and participate in mandatory chapter projects (charity fundraisers). As stated above, we do not yet know what the coming school year will look like, so more NHS information will be addressed at the beginning of the 2021/2022 school year.
We look forward to a new year of NHS with new NHS members.
Mrs. Angell
Mrs. Carlson
Adams NHS Chapter Advisors
Follow this link to complete the NHS Application:
Frequently Asked Questions: Submitting a new question for the 2021-22 application.
Senior Updates
Order Your Banner and/or Lawn Sign
The Rochester Community Schools Foundation is pleased to offer families of graduating seniors the opportunity to order signature banners and personalized lawn signs. Signature banners (pictured below) are $15, measure 1' x 3' and have grommets at the corners for easy hanging. Made of sturdy 14 oz. scrim construction allowing family and friends to sign their names and well wishes. Lawn signs are 24" x 24", are $25, and you can choose between just the AHS logo or a colored picture of your senior with their name (see sample of SCHS personalized banner below). All orders must be received by April 30th and will be available for pickup on and after May 19th at the front desk of the administration building. Two easy ways to order:
- Use the Order Online Form
- Print and complete the order form below and return with cash/check to the address listed on the order form.

2021_grad_order_flyer__1_.pdf |
High School Career Connections Newsletter

hs_march_career_connections_newsletter.pdf |
Career Info Opportunities for Families
In-Person Class Schedules
AHS Lunch Schedules
AHS Athletic Updates
Adams Athletic Booster Club Honor Your Seniors Signs Available Now
Adams Families Craving Concessions Fundraiser

craving_concessions_for_news_and_notes.pdf |

A Note From Kim Kelly - PTSA President
Hello Highlanders!–
I hope you all had a great week! Seniors participating in PTSA committees should be hearing from their committee chairs soon about PTSA graduation cord requirements and verification of hours.
We will also soon be looking for adult and student committee chairs and volunteers for next year. Questions can be directed to the current committee chair(s) or the VP of Committees, Kate Bass at [email protected].
Interested in working with children or spreading school spirit? Two new committees are being formed next year and will need both students and adults to help out. Please contact [email protected] for more information.
Still looking for volunteer hours? Highlander Helping hands is a mentor program for future Highlanders. You can help with homework, share the love of a sport, game or music or spend time reading together or just listening. Meetings are virtual and are set by the students. Contact [email protected] for more information or to register.
Hello Highlanders!–
I hope you all had a great week! Seniors participating in PTSA committees should be hearing from their committee chairs soon about PTSA graduation cord requirements and verification of hours.
We will also soon be looking for adult and student committee chairs and volunteers for next year. Questions can be directed to the current committee chair(s) or the VP of Committees, Kate Bass at [email protected].
Interested in working with children or spreading school spirit? Two new committees are being formed next year and will need both students and adults to help out. Please contact [email protected] for more information.
Still looking for volunteer hours? Highlander Helping hands is a mentor program for future Highlanders. You can help with homework, share the love of a sport, game or music or spend time reading together or just listening. Meetings are virtual and are set by the students. Contact [email protected] for more information or to register.
Rochester PTA Council & Green Schools Presents "Go Green"

Next Tuesday, March 23rd at 5:00 pm the Rochester Community PTA Council and Green Schools Committee is sponsoring a zoom presentation by the Rochester Riders, who will be sharing tips for families to travel more eco-friendly. It will run about 45 minutes with time for questions at the end.
Rochester Community PTA Council is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Green Schools Presentation: Rochester Riders
Time: Mar 23, 2021 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 932 8568 9389
Next Tuesday, March 23rd at 5:00 pm the Rochester Community PTA Council and Green Schools Committee is sponsoring a zoom presentation by the Rochester Riders, who will be sharing tips for families to travel more eco-friendly. It will run about 45 minutes with time for questions at the end.
Rochester Community PTA Council is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Green Schools Presentation: Rochester Riders
Time: Mar 23, 2021 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 932 8568 9389
Sparkle Awards Nominations Now Accepted until March 26th
Reminders for In-Person Instruction
Appointments and Early Dismissal
If you need to take your child out of school early, all requests must be made with a phone call to the attendance line at 248-726-5310 as early in the day as possible and leave a message on the answering machine. Please advise your student to pick up their pass; passes will not be delivered. We discourage last minute requests for your student to leave school as we may not be able to meet the time you have requested.
*Due to Covid-19, we are restricting guest access to the building. Visitors must have a scheduled appointment to enter the building. Visitors are allowed when emergencies arise. IEP, 504 and other meetings of similar nature will be conducted via Zoom or phone call.
*Due to Covid-19, we are restricting guest access to the building. Visitors must have a scheduled appointment to enter the building. Visitors are allowed when emergencies arise. IEP, 504 and other meetings of similar nature will be conducted via Zoom or phone call.
Drop-off of Forgotten Items
We encourage you to work with your child to make sure they have everything they need for the school day. We are trying to reduce the amount of contact points for students and staff.
If you need to drop off an item for your child, write your child’s name on the item, place it on the cart outside the main doors to the school. The cart will be moved into AHS for children to retrieve their item. Please notify your child you have delivered the item(s); items will not be delivered. Please note: Food delivery from restaurants/Door Dash, etc. will not be accepted.
If you need to drop off an item for your child, write your child’s name on the item, place it on the cart outside the main doors to the school. The cart will be moved into AHS for children to retrieve their item. Please notify your child you have delivered the item(s); items will not be delivered. Please note: Food delivery from restaurants/Door Dash, etc. will not be accepted.
Social Emotional Wellness
As we continue to care for the social-emotional health and well-being of our school community, we would like to remind our students, families, and staff of some valuable resources. To access a list of available support systems and help lines, please visit our website or go to:
Pasquale Cusumano, Principal
Todd Calcamuggio, Assistant Principal
Luke Swanson, Assistant Principal
Pasquale Cusumano, Principal
Todd Calcamuggio, Assistant Principal
Luke Swanson, Assistant Principal
Free Lunch & Breakfast For All Students
The USDA approved a waiver that provides breakfast and lunch meals, free of charge, for all children 18 years of age and younger, including ATPS students 26 years of age and younger.
When students are in school in person for a full day, breakfast and lunch will be served onsite in pre-packaged, grab-and go style. All lunches offer a hot item such as Bosco sticks with dipping sauce, Beef Fiesta Flatbread, Macaroni and Cheese; cold selections like Turkey Ham Sub Club, Deli Turkey and Cheese Sandwich and Wowbutter and Jelly Sandwich. No registration is required for in-school daily food service at this time.
Meals meet guidelines from the USDA and Michigan Department of Education.
Please see the menus below (click on pdf link below the menus for a clearer picture).
When students are in school in person for a full day, breakfast and lunch will be served onsite in pre-packaged, grab-and go style. All lunches offer a hot item such as Bosco sticks with dipping sauce, Beef Fiesta Flatbread, Macaroni and Cheese; cold selections like Turkey Ham Sub Club, Deli Turkey and Cheese Sandwich and Wowbutter and Jelly Sandwich. No registration is required for in-school daily food service at this time.
Meals meet guidelines from the USDA and Michigan Department of Education.
Please see the menus below (click on pdf link below the menus for a clearer picture).
News From the Counseling Department
Khan Academy - PSAT/SAT Test Practice
We are encouraging all Adams students to utilize Khan Academy as practice for future PSAT/SAT testing. Khan Academy provides students with personalized practice and study opportunities based on previous test scores when students link their Khan Academy account to their College Board account. See the instruction below on how to set up and use your Khan Academy account.

khan_login_instructions_2021.pdf |
Student 1:1 Device
RCS is committed to being a 1:1 district. Secondary students should bring their fully charged Chromebook or personal computer ready to use each day. Students who prefer to use their own personal computer or laptop from home and at school, should not check out an RCS Chromebook. Please consider that we recommend the device being used by a student has a working camera to support attendance, collaboration, and completing assignments. Using a district issued Chromebook provides a consistent experience and helps RCS provide the best support possible. As we maximize our budget and resources, we encourage families to be considerate and only check out district devices that will be used.
If you are in need of a device please fill out this form on the Technology website.
If you have other technical issues or questions, please visit our Technology Support website.
If you are in need of a device please fill out this form on the Technology website.
If you have other technical issues or questions, please visit our Technology Support website.
Informational Meeting on Active and Reserve Component of the Army
Calling all HIGHLANDERS!!!! Have you have ever thought about the military as an option for post High School Graduation.... then look no further. Staff Sergeant Roberts wants to educate young men and women on the options and benefits associated with serving the Active or Reserve Component of the Army. This is purely informational and to answer any questions you may have!!!! Bring a pen, paper, and a whole bunch of questions so Staff Sergeant Roberts can assist you with the answers.
Zoom meetings happen every Wednesday @ 1:00 p.m. Looking forward to meeting you!
Staff Sergeant Roberts, Michael
US Army Recruiter
Zoom meeting:
Zoom meetings happen every Wednesday @ 1:00 p.m. Looking forward to meeting you!
Staff Sergeant Roberts, Michael
US Army Recruiter
Zoom meeting: