April 23, 2021
Important Dates
April 29th: Cap & Gown Pickup - Aux Gym - During any of the 4 lunches
May 7th (Schedule Change) - No School - Professional Development
May 17th: Last Day of School for Seniors - Senior Walk
May 19th: Prom @ Palazzo Grande @ 7:00 pm
May 31st: No School - Memorial Day
June 9th: Last day of school
June 12th: AHS Commencement @ DTE 3:30 pm
June 12th: Senior All Night Party @ AHS 11:00 pm - 4:00 am
May 7th (Schedule Change) - No School - Professional Development
May 17th: Last Day of School for Seniors - Senior Walk
May 19th: Prom @ Palazzo Grande @ 7:00 pm
May 31st: No School - Memorial Day
June 9th: Last day of school
June 12th: AHS Commencement @ DTE 3:30 pm
June 12th: Senior All Night Party @ AHS 11:00 pm - 4:00 am
Schedule Change - May 7th - No School - Professional Development

May 7th is a Professional Development day for our staff. In order to facilitate the in-person secondary schedule so that the classes are seen by staff on an equitable basis, Wednesday, May 5 will switch to a 4-6 day. Wednesday, May 12 will switch to a 1-3 day. This is so we see each group of students twice within the same week and to keep the overall bi-weekly balance.
Important Senior Dates and Information
We are still in the process of planning our senior events, but want to provide you with dates/times of events as they become available. Please be aware, more detailed information on the events below will follow.
Class of 2021 After High School Plans Survey
We need you to complete a survey regarding your plans for after high school. Please use this link to access the survey. https://forms.gle/qezSEHfWAE8yaCNa9 . It should take no more than a couple of minutes.
At the end of the survey, you will be directed to request your final transcript in Parchment. Your final transcript MUST be sent to the school you will be attending in the fall. This is required of you in order to register for classes at your institution. This survey needs to be completed by April 30th, 2021.
At the end of the survey, you will be directed to request your final transcript in Parchment. Your final transcript MUST be sent to the school you will be attending in the fall. This is required of you in order to register for classes at your institution. This survey needs to be completed by April 30th, 2021.
Senior Cap & Gown Pickup - April 29th
Josten's will be here on Thursday, April 29th to distribute cap and gowns.
- In-person seniors may pickup their items during their lunch period.
- Virtual Campus seniors may pickup anytime between 9:45 am—12:15 pm; enter through the athletic entrance.
Textbook & Device Return for AHS & Virtual Campus
Seniors are required to return their device (including the AC adapter), all books, and have all associated fines paid in full before they will receive their graduation tickets.
In-person Seniors:
In-person Seniors:
- May 11th, 12th & 13th before school 7:00-7:30 & after school 2:30-3:00.
- Please return all textbooks, novels and devices to Mrs. Kesman in the Book Room.
- May 11th, May 12th & 13th any-time 7:00-3:00.
- Please return textbooks and novels on the cart in the vestibule outside the AHS Main Office. Label all books with your name on a sticky note.
- If you have a RCS device please look for an e-mail communication to sign-up for an appointment to return your device.
Senior Walk
The Senior Walk will be Monday, May 17th. Seniors will report to the main gym at 11:45 am. We recommend parents arrive at the football field between 12:30 - 1:00 pm. We anticipate the Senior Walk starting at approximately 1:00 pm. Once the seniors have completed their final walk inside the building, they will continue their walk to the football field.
RCS Class of 2021 Commencement Information
Adams High School Class of 2021 Commencement will be on Saturday, June 12th at DTE Energy outdoor amphitheater in Clarkston at 3:30 pm. This exciting venue allows classmates and families to gather together safely with weather-protected seating to recognize the accomplishments of our graduates.
Under current COVID-19 conditions, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services determines gathering capacity limitations. Each student will be allowed a limited number of tickets for spectators, as permitted by the MDHHS orders and public health conditions on June 12. At this time, MDHHS regulations allow a maximum of 1,000 people for an event at the DTE Energy Music Theatre. Each class has approximately 400 students. Details and directions will continue to be shared through our schools. The ceremonies will also be livestreamed for loved ones to share in the excitement from any location.
Under current COVID-19 conditions, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services determines gathering capacity limitations. Each student will be allowed a limited number of tickets for spectators, as permitted by the MDHHS orders and public health conditions on June 12. At this time, MDHHS regulations allow a maximum of 1,000 people for an event at the DTE Energy Music Theatre. Each class has approximately 400 students. Details and directions will continue to be shared through our schools. The ceremonies will also be livestreamed for loved ones to share in the excitement from any location.
Senior All Night Party Registration Now Open
Purchase your Senior All Night Party ticket online now! Register by 4/29/2021 and you'll be entered in a drawing for a $100 gift card! Click here to purchase your ticket online , and fill out the waiver. You can submit the waiver via the link, mail it to AHS using the address below, or turn it into the main office.
- Rochester Adams High School, 3200 W. Tienken, Rochester Hills, MI 48306

Volunteers Needed!
Attention senior parents! We are planning a very fun evening for all of our seniors at the senior all night party. We have many volunteer positions open and need your help! Please take a few minutes to sign up. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a044baca82ea75-adams6
SANP Raffle Donations Needed
Senior All Night Party is asking for donations from Adams school families! This year's seniors have missed out on so much and we'd love to have your help with prize donations for our party. If you can help please go here to sign up! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a044baca82ea75-sanp
AHS Senior Newsletter
Please see below for our Senior Newsletter. This special edition provides the answer to many of your questions regarding upcoming senior events. Look for future editions of the Senior Newsletter, (via School Messenger) as more information about senior events becomes available.

final_senior_class_newsletter_2021.pdf |
Order Your Banner and/or Lawn Sign
The Rochester Community Schools Foundation is pleased to offer families of graduating seniors the opportunity to order signature banners and personalized lawn signs. Signature banners (pictured below) are $15, measure 1' x 3' and have grommets at the corners for easy hanging. Made of sturdy 14 oz. scrim construction allowing family and friends to sign their names and well wishes. Lawn signs are 24" x 24", are $25, and you can choose between just the AHS logo or a colored picture of your senior with their name (see sample of SCHS personalized banner below). All orders must be received by April 30th and will be available for pickup on and after May 19th at the front desk of the administration building. Two easy ways to order:
- Use the Order Online Form
- Print and complete the order form below and return with cash/check to the address listed on the order form.

2021_grad_order_flyer__1_.pdf |
Athletic Booster Club Signs and Banner to Honor Your Senior

Adams Booster Club wants to help you honor your senior and show your Highlander Pride with a personalized banner or lawn sign. Please see the attached order form to see sample signs and banners.

ahs-honor_your_senior-2021.pdf |
NHS Holds Book Drive for Rochester Area Neighborhood House
NHS is holding a book drive for the Neighborhood House. We are looking for new or gently used books in excellent condition. Books can be for any age but RANH is asking primarily for fiction. Books can be dropped off in the vestibule or in the Media Center by Thursday April 29th.
Attention 10th & 11th Graders - Link Crew Applications- Apply Now!
We are inviting all current sophomores and juniors to apply to be Rochester Adams Link Crew Leaders for the 2021-2022 school year! Link Leaders are upperclassmen who are good role models for younger students and who have been successful at our high school. Link Leaders’ communication skills, leadership potential, responsibility, and personality have helped them succeed in the high school environment, and the lessons they have learned should be shared to help others succeed. You could have a tremendous influence on our new students and you will learn many valuable leadership skills in the process. Plus, it will be fun!!
What does a Link Leader do? Link Leaders are trained to work with the incoming freshman class and other new students who are entering our school next fall. After the extensive training, the Link Leaders will run freshman orientation before school starts. At the orientation, each Link Leader will be given a small group of freshmen to work with that day and will be asked to befriend and to help that group during the first week of school with any challenges they may face. Periodically during the school year, Link Leaders will meet again with their student groups to touch base, discuss problems, and plan social activities. We know that the more contact a freshman has with her/his Link Leader the more successful the freshman will be.
Follow this link to begin your application. Please note you need to be logged in with your @rcs-k12.us e-mail to access it: https://bit.ly/3sjObWo
You will also need to join our Google Classroom for more information and for part of the application process. The code to join is: eekmxal
The deadline to apply is Friday, April 30 No late applications will be accepted.
If you have any questions contact Mr. Boguslawski ([email protected]) or Mr. Bondy (jbondy@rcs-k12.us).
What does a Link Leader do? Link Leaders are trained to work with the incoming freshman class and other new students who are entering our school next fall. After the extensive training, the Link Leaders will run freshman orientation before school starts. At the orientation, each Link Leader will be given a small group of freshmen to work with that day and will be asked to befriend and to help that group during the first week of school with any challenges they may face. Periodically during the school year, Link Leaders will meet again with their student groups to touch base, discuss problems, and plan social activities. We know that the more contact a freshman has with her/his Link Leader the more successful the freshman will be.
Follow this link to begin your application. Please note you need to be logged in with your @rcs-k12.us e-mail to access it: https://bit.ly/3sjObWo
You will also need to join our Google Classroom for more information and for part of the application process. The code to join is: eekmxal
The deadline to apply is Friday, April 30 No late applications will be accepted.
If you have any questions contact Mr. Boguslawski ([email protected]) or Mr. Bondy (jbondy@rcs-k12.us).
Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month
April is Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month. On April 30th, AHS will show our support and encourage autism awareness and acceptance by wearing blue, #HighlandersLightItUpBlue. Please see the information below about Autism Awareness vs Acceptance.
Counseling Department News
AHS AP 2021 Exam Schedule |
April Career Connections |
Please see below for the 2021 AP Exam Schedule
AHS School Store Now Open For All Your Adams Gear
Order Your Award Winning Yearbook Today!
Time is running out to order the AHS award winning yearbook! Our yearbook staff has been working diligently, and creatively, to create another fabulous yearbook! Order soon! To purchase your yearbook click here.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mr. Dave Lovalvo, Yearbook Advisor at [email protected].
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mr. Dave Lovalvo, Yearbook Advisor at [email protected].

Note From Kim Kelly - PTSA President
Hello Highlanders! It’s hard to believe that we are wrapping up the school year. Seniors, if you have volunteer hours for a PTSA committee or think you are eligible for a graduation cord, please contact your committee chair.
We are looking for students and parents for various PTSA committees next year. Please contact Kate Bass at [email protected] for questions or to sign up.
Interested in mentoring a young student? We still need mentors for the Highlander Helping Hands program. Please contact me at [email protected] for information.
Hello Highlanders! It’s hard to believe that we are wrapping up the school year. Seniors, if you have volunteer hours for a PTSA committee or think you are eligible for a graduation cord, please contact your committee chair.
We are looking for students and parents for various PTSA committees next year. Please contact Kate Bass at [email protected] for questions or to sign up.
Interested in mentoring a young student? We still need mentors for the Highlander Helping Hands program. Please contact me at [email protected] for information.
PTSA Green Schools Committee Presents Earth Day Video
Thank you PTSA Green Schools Committee for creating this awesome video about Earth Day.
AHS Athletic Booster Club Updates
Attention Highlanders! Deadline to purchase an Alumni Plaza brick to honor your student, team, or organization is FRIDAY APRIL 16th. Orders received after this day will not be installed until June of 2022. The order form can be downloaded with the link under the picture form. Please email [email protected] with questions.

alumni_plaza_order_form.pdf |
Adams Families Craving Concessions Fundraiser![]()
Reminders for In-Person Instruction
Appointments and Early Dismissal
If you need to take your child out of school early, all requests must be made with a phone call to the attendance line at 248-726-5310 as early in the day as possible and leave a message on the answering machine. Please advise your student to pick up their pass; passes will not be delivered. We discourage last minute requests for your student to leave school as we may not be able to meet the time you have requested.
*Due to Covid-19, we are restricting guest access to the building. Visitors must have a scheduled appointment to enter the building. Visitors are allowed when emergencies arise. IEP, 504 and other meetings of similar nature will be conducted via Zoom or phone call.
*Due to Covid-19, we are restricting guest access to the building. Visitors must have a scheduled appointment to enter the building. Visitors are allowed when emergencies arise. IEP, 504 and other meetings of similar nature will be conducted via Zoom or phone call.
Drop-off of Forgotten Items
We encourage you to work with your child to make sure they have everything they need for the school day. We are trying to reduce the amount of contact points for students and staff.
If you need to drop off an item for your child, write your child’s name on the item, place it on the cart outside the main doors to the school. The cart will be moved into AHS for children to retrieve their item. Please notify your child you have delivered the item(s); items will not be delivered. Please note: Food delivery from restaurants/Door Dash, etc. will not be accepted.
If you need to drop off an item for your child, write your child’s name on the item, place it on the cart outside the main doors to the school. The cart will be moved into AHS for children to retrieve their item. Please notify your child you have delivered the item(s); items will not be delivered. Please note: Food delivery from restaurants/Door Dash, etc. will not be accepted.
Social Emotional Wellness
As we continue to care for the social-emotional health and well-being of our school community, we would like to remind our students, families, and staff of some valuable resources. To access a list of available support systems and help lines, please visit our website or go to: https://rcssocialemotionalresources.weebly.com/.
Pasquale Cusumano, Principal
Todd Calcamuggio, Assistant Principal
Luke Swanson, Assistant Principal
Pasquale Cusumano, Principal
Todd Calcamuggio, Assistant Principal
Luke Swanson, Assistant Principal
AHS Lunch Schedules
Free Lunch & Breakfast For All Students
The USDA approved a waiver that provides breakfast and lunch meals, free of charge, for all children 18 years of age and younger, including ATPS students 26 years of age and younger.
When students are in school in person for a full day, breakfast and lunch will be served onsite in pre-packaged, grab-and go style. All lunches offer a hot item such as Bosco sticks with dipping sauce, Beef Fiesta Flatbread, Macaroni and Cheese; cold selections like Turkey Ham Sub Club, Deli Turkey and Cheese Sandwich and Wowbutter and Jelly Sandwich. No registration is required for in-school daily food service at this time.
Meals meet guidelines from the USDA and Michigan Department of Education.
When students are in school in person for a full day, breakfast and lunch will be served onsite in pre-packaged, grab-and go style. All lunches offer a hot item such as Bosco sticks with dipping sauce, Beef Fiesta Flatbread, Macaroni and Cheese; cold selections like Turkey Ham Sub Club, Deli Turkey and Cheese Sandwich and Wowbutter and Jelly Sandwich. No registration is required for in-school daily food service at this time.
Meals meet guidelines from the USDA and Michigan Department of Education.
News From the Counseling Department
Career Info Opportunities for Families
Student 1:1 Device
RCS is committed to being a 1:1 district. Secondary students should bring their fully charged Chromebook or personal computer ready to use each day. Students who prefer to use their own personal computer or laptop from home and at school, should not check out an RCS Chromebook. Please consider that we recommend the device being used by a student has a working camera to support attendance, collaboration, and completing assignments. Using a district issued Chromebook provides a consistent experience and helps RCS provide the best support possible. As we maximize our budget and resources, we encourage families to be considerate and only check out district devices that will be used.
If you are in need of a device please fill out this form on the Technology website.
If you have other technical issues or questions, please visit our Technology Support website.
If you are in need of a device please fill out this form on the Technology website.
If you have other technical issues or questions, please visit our Technology Support website.
Informational Meeting on Active and Reserve Component of the Army
Calling all HIGHLANDERS!!!! Have you have ever thought about the military as an option for post High School Graduation.... then look no further. Staff Sergeant Roberts wants to educate young men and women on the options and benefits associated with serving the Active or Reserve Component of the Army. This is purely informational and to answer any questions you may have!!!! Bring a pen, paper, and a whole bunch of questions so Staff Sergeant Roberts can assist you with the answers.
Zoom meetings happen every Wednesday @ 1:00 p.m. Looking forward to meeting you!
Staff Sergeant Roberts, Michael
US Army Recruiter
Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/5438206026?pwd=L2M4QmlHb3VXd2FwR2cxME9OS0gxQT09
Zoom meetings happen every Wednesday @ 1:00 p.m. Looking forward to meeting you!
Staff Sergeant Roberts, Michael
US Army Recruiter
Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/5438206026?pwd=L2M4QmlHb3VXd2FwR2cxME9OS0gxQT09