March 5th, 2021
Important Dates
March 19th: AM Half Day School
PM Teachers Records Day
March 26th: Spring Recess Begins at the End of the Day
March 27th - April 2th: Spring Recess
April 5th: Classes Resume
April 13th - 15th PSAT/SAT/Work Skills Testing - details to be announced
Please see our calendar page above for a complete list of dates for the year.
Congratulations To Our 2020 National Merit Finalist
The National Merit Scholarship Program has announced which of the 16,000 Semifinalists named in September have advanced to the Finalist standing in the competition. We are pleased to announce that all of Adams High School 13 National Merit Semifinalists have advanced to Finalist standing. All Finalists will be considered for the National Merit Scholarship awards to be offered this spring. Congratulations National Merit Scholarship Finalists! Highlander Pride!
National Merit Finalist in alphabetical order: Faizan Bhagat, Seong Hoon Jeong, Melana Kaafarani, Wynn Kaza, Soodong Kim, Govind Narayanan, Danielle Shave, Ayra Sunil, Caroline Xu, Grace Yang, Jessica Zhang, Andrew Zhao, Allen Zhu.
We Are Pleased to Announce
Adams High School Academic Recognition for Seniors

The Class of 2021 Academic Recognition for Seniors has been announced. These lists are preliminary of the seniors who, according to our records, have achieved one of the three levels of academic recognition. The senior recognition is based on:
Seniors should check for their name in the category they believe is accurate according to the given criteria. If you believe the level of recognition is incorrect, please completed the discrepancy form which is available in the counseling office. Discrepancy forms need to be returned to the counseling office by Friday, March 19th.
- GPA is weighted and based on the end of first semester grades.
- Students must complete and pass all AP courses counted toward recognition.
Seniors should check for their name in the category they believe is accurate according to the given criteria. If you believe the level of recognition is incorrect, please completed the discrepancy form which is available in the counseling office. Discrepancy forms need to be returned to the counseling office by Friday, March 19th.
Spotlight On Instruction
Students in Mrs. Newman's Physical Science classes used the hallways and ramps throughout the school to collect data in order to gain a better understanding of acceleration and constant speed. During the activity, groups had to collect data for two different hover puck scenarios. In the classroom, students created graphs with their data and shared them to help gain a better understanding of the relationship between the shape of the position versus time graphs and the motion of an object.
PTSA Green Schools Committee Gives Plants To Classrooms!
This week the PTSA Green Committee provided plants for teachers' classrooms! Why plants? Plants boost mental well-being. Studies have shown that having plants in a room may help students focus better, feel less stress and simply feel happier. Plants also help people breathe better by converting the carbon dioxide we exhale into fresh oxygen, and may also remove toxins from the air we breath.
The original "Plants-To-Teachers" idea was the visualization of 2020 AHS graduate Sophia Tecson a year ago; however the project could not be completed due to COVID. This year's Green School Committee students honored Sophia by completing the project this year. The committee has worked diligently this year to collect and return bottles and cans to raise money to buy the plants and pots. Thank you Green School Committee members , Clay Van Ophem, Annika Lewis, Rachel Patyi, Alana Steimel, Noah Stockoski, Luke Stockoski, Sophia Munoz-Bonilla, Maggie Bassett, Kayla Wiese who worked diligently to collect and return cans and bottles to raise the money needed to buy all the plants and pots. A big thank also to PTSA Green Schools chair Deb Dunn and AHS parents Sami Banerji and Kellee Steimel for their extra time and assisting our Green School Committee students. Lastly a shout out to Bordines Nursery for helping the Green Schools Committee by providing the plants at cost and a discount on the pots.
The original "Plants-To-Teachers" idea was the visualization of 2020 AHS graduate Sophia Tecson a year ago; however the project could not be completed due to COVID. This year's Green School Committee students honored Sophia by completing the project this year. The committee has worked diligently this year to collect and return bottles and cans to raise money to buy the plants and pots. Thank you Green School Committee members , Clay Van Ophem, Annika Lewis, Rachel Patyi, Alana Steimel, Noah Stockoski, Luke Stockoski, Sophia Munoz-Bonilla, Maggie Bassett, Kayla Wiese who worked diligently to collect and return cans and bottles to raise the money needed to buy all the plants and pots. A big thank also to PTSA Green Schools chair Deb Dunn and AHS parents Sami Banerji and Kellee Steimel for their extra time and assisting our Green School Committee students. Lastly a shout out to Bordines Nursery for helping the Green Schools Committee by providing the plants at cost and a discount on the pots.
National Honor Society Applications Now Available
For Juniors & Seniors
Dear 2021/22 National Honors Society Candidate:
Congratulations on the decision to seek membership in NHS! The purpose of Adams’ Magna Cum Laude Chapter of NHS is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to promote leadership, and to develop character among the students of Adams High School.
NHS has stringent requirements for membership. Most membership requirements are set by national guidelines. For example, candidates must have been in attendance at Adams for at least one semester before they can apply. Also, freshman and sophomores are not eligible for membership; only students who will be juniors or seniors for the 2021/2022 school year, are eligible.
This year, due to the ongoing pandemic, the guidelines and application process have been modified. The application is completely online. Candidates must complete the Google Form “NHS Application 2021/2022” and submit no later than 12 midnight on March 26, 2021.
Normally, to be considered for membership, a student must have a 3.500 cumulative grade point average. If students believe their GPA WILL be a 3.5 or above AFTER Semester 2 of the 20/21 school year, they are still eligible for acceptance into NHS. If, after Semester 2 of the 20/21 school year, their cumulative GPA is below a 3.5, they will be dismissed from NHS.
Students need to provide the names (first and last) of five faculty members from Adams High School they believe will give them a glowing recommendation. The teachers will be given an evaluation form to provide feedback about the student upon submission of the application. It is a strong suggestion for students to first email the teachers and ask their permission to use them as a reference.
Another part of the application process is required activity hours. Students will complete the corresponding sections on the Google Form “NHS Application 2021/2022” by providing dates, descriptions, hours served, and full contact information for the activity sponsors. Please refer to the “Activity Guidelines” page for a complete explanation of what activities count and do not count. All eligible activities done between March 2019 and March 2021 may count towards NHS.
Once the Google Form “NHS Application 2021/2022” is completed, students must click the submit button in order to be considered for membership. Please forward all questions regarding activities and the application process to [email protected].
After submission, a Faculty Council will screen the applications and decide which candidates will be accepted. Because we do not yet know what the spring will bring, we ask that you please be patient with the process. Candidates will be informed of the final decision through their school appointed Gmail account by April 23, 2021. Junior candidates not accepted this year will have the opportunity to re-apply the following school year.
The plans for an Induction ceremony are currently placed on hold until there is more information regarding the remainder of the school year.
Once inducted, there are requirements for continued membership in NHS. Members must attend monthly meetings, pay annual dues, maintain a 3.500 grade point average, and participate in NHS, school, and community service projects. Members must provide service to Adams by working at school activities each semester, such as Curriculum Night, Conferences, Honors Convocation or Commencement. Service to the Community may involve helping at an event such as Arts and Apples, or helping out at middle and elementary schools. In addition, members must attend the Induction ceremony and participate in mandatory chapter projects (charity fundraisers). As stated above, we do not yet know what the coming school year will look like, so more NHS information will be addressed at the beginning of the 2021/2022 school year.
We look forward to a new year of NHS with new NHS members.
Mrs. Angell
Mrs. Carlson
Adams NHS Chapter Advisors
Follow this link to complete the NHS Application:
Frequently Asked Questions: Submitting a new question for the 2021-22 application.
Spring Musical Audition Information
There will be an informational meeting about the spring musical via Zoom on Wednesday 3/10 at 3:30 pm. Any student wishing to find out more information regarding the show choices, rehearsal schedule, restrictions, technical positions, and auditions should attend. You will need to use your RCS credentials to log in for zoom access.
International Thespian Society members can access the zoom link in the google classroom site. Other students interested should email Mrs. Pillsbury at [email protected] for the link or stop by room 204 for information at the end of the day on Monday or Tuesday before the meeting.
International Thespian Society members can access the zoom link in the google classroom site. Other students interested should email Mrs. Pillsbury at [email protected] for the link or stop by room 204 for information at the end of the day on Monday or Tuesday before the meeting.
AHS Performing Arts Department Presents Murder by Poe

department_of_performing_arts_announcement.pdf |
Senior Updates
Senior T-shirts and Hoodies Now Available to Order
Senior T-shirts and hoodies are now available for the graduating Class of 2021! Use the link below to order your apparel! (Please note you will have to create a login first on eleyo before fulfilling your order.)
If you have any questions please email Mrs. Wilson ([email protected]) or stop in her room (253)! Once items are in we will announce where to pick up your items so please stay tuned.
Eleyo Link:
If you have any questions please email Mrs. Wilson ([email protected]) or stop in her room (253)! Once items are in we will announce where to pick up your items so please stay tuned.
Eleyo Link:
Order Your Banner, Lawn Sign and Commencement DVD
The Rochester Community Schools Foundation is pleased to offer families of graduating seniors the opportunity to order signature banners and personalized lawn signs. Signature banners (pictured below) are $15, measure 1' x 3' and have grommets at the corners for easy hanging. Made of sturdy 14 oz. scrim construction allowing family and friends to sign their names and well wishes. Lawn signs are 24" x 24", are $25, and you can choose between just the AHS logo or a colored picture of your senior with their name (see sample of SCHS personalized banner below). All orders must be received by Monday, April 30th and will be available for pickup on and after May 19th at the front desk of the administration building. Two easy ways to order:
- Use the Order Online Form
- Print and complete the order form below and return with cash/check to the address listed on the order form.

2021_grad_order_flyer__1_.pdf |
Sparkle Awards Nominations Now Accepted until March 26th
News From the Counseling Department
Scheduling Timeframe for the 2021-2022 School Year
Counselors will soon begin the scheduling process for the 2021-2022 school year. The format will be different than in years past. All scheduling material will be uploaded in Google Classroom for students and families to review. Counselors have created video’s for each grade level’s schedule card as well as a tutorial on how to upload and submit the schedule card and how to input classes into StudentVUE. Scheduling cards will be submitted directly through the Google Classroom scheduling assignment.
Counselors will host virtual Q & A sessions before schedule cards are due. Students can attend these virtual sessions if they have questions about their schedule card. Dates and times will be posted in the grade level’s Google Classroom.
**If your student has not yet joined their grade level Google Classroom, please have them do so with the join codes below.
Counselors will host virtual Q & A sessions before schedule cards are due. Students can attend these virtual sessions if they have questions about their schedule card. Dates and times will be posted in the grade level’s Google Classroom.
**If your student has not yet joined their grade level Google Classroom, please have them do so with the join codes below.
High School Career Connections Newsletter

hs_march_career_connections_newsletter.pdf |
Career Info Opportunities for Families
In-Person Class Schedules
AHS Lunch Schedules
Reminders for In-Person Instruction
Appointments and Early Dismissal
If you need to take your child out of school early, all requests must be made with a phone call to the attendance line at 248-726-5310 as early in the day as possible and leave a message on the answering machine. Please advise your student to pick up their pass; passes will not be delivered. We discourage last minute requests for your student to leave school as we may not be able to meet the time you have requested.
*Due to Covid-19, we are restricting guest access to the building. Visitors must have a scheduled appointment to enter the building. Visitors are allowed when emergencies arise. IEP, 504 and other meetings of similar nature will be conducted via Zoom or phone call.
*Due to Covid-19, we are restricting guest access to the building. Visitors must have a scheduled appointment to enter the building. Visitors are allowed when emergencies arise. IEP, 504 and other meetings of similar nature will be conducted via Zoom or phone call.
Drop-off of Forgotten Items
We encourage you to work with your child to make sure they have everything they need for the school day. We are trying to reduce the amount of contact points for students and staff.
If you need to drop off an item for your child, write your child’s name on the item, place it on the cart outside the main doors to the school. The cart will be moved into AHS for children to retrieve their item. Please notify your child you have delivered the item(s); items will not be delivered. Please note: Food delivery from restaurants/Door Dash, etc. will not be accepted.
If you need to drop off an item for your child, write your child’s name on the item, place it on the cart outside the main doors to the school. The cart will be moved into AHS for children to retrieve their item. Please notify your child you have delivered the item(s); items will not be delivered. Please note: Food delivery from restaurants/Door Dash, etc. will not be accepted.
Social Emotional Wellness
As we continue to care for the social-emotional health and well-being of our school community, we would like to remind our students, families, and staff of some valuable resources. To access a list of available support systems and help lines, please visit our website or go to:
Free Lunch & Breakfast For All Students
The USDA approved a waiver that provides breakfast and lunch meals, free of charge, for all children 18 years of age and younger, including ATPS students 26 years of age and younger.
When students are in school in person for a full day, breakfast and lunch will be served onsite in pre-packaged, grab-and go style. All lunches offer a hot item such as Bosco sticks with dipping sauce, Beef Fiesta Flatbread, Macaroni and Cheese; cold selections like Turkey Ham Sub Club, Deli Turkey and Cheese Sandwich and Wowbutter and Jelly Sandwich. No registration is required for in-school daily food service at this time.
Meals meet guidelines from the USDA and Michigan Department of Education.
Please see the menus below (click on pdf link below the menus for a clearer picture).
When students are in school in person for a full day, breakfast and lunch will be served onsite in pre-packaged, grab-and go style. All lunches offer a hot item such as Bosco sticks with dipping sauce, Beef Fiesta Flatbread, Macaroni and Cheese; cold selections like Turkey Ham Sub Club, Deli Turkey and Cheese Sandwich and Wowbutter and Jelly Sandwich. No registration is required for in-school daily food service at this time.
Meals meet guidelines from the USDA and Michigan Department of Education.
Please see the menus below (click on pdf link below the menus for a clearer picture).
AHS Athletic Updates
Congratulations AHS Ski Team!
Congratulations to the Boys Ski Team on finishing as the Division 1 State runner-up. Individually the team saw Nathan DeHart, Jacob Corsi and Zeke King earn 1st team All-State. Charlie Buckmaster earned 2nd team All-State. For the girls, Katie Fodale, earned All-State with her 2nd place finish in the Giant Slalom.
Highlander Pride!
Highlander Pride!
Adams Families Craving Concessions Fundraiser

craving_concessions_for_news_and_notes.pdf |
A Note From Kim Kelly - PTSA President
Hello Highlanders!
We are so excited to get everyone back to school! Remember, all things can be found here in the Rochester Adams High School PTSA - Home Page ( Check our committees, meeting minutes, links and more.
Information will be coming out to our student committee chairs about graduation cords – please have your student keep an eye out for an email.
Is your Junior interested in volunteer hours and school spirit? We are in the early stages of forming a committee that will award hours for students who attend various school events to spread the Highlander pride. (sporting events, club competitions, etc.) Next year’s Seniors can chair or co-chair the new committee. If interested, please email [email protected].
If you or your business is interested in donating items for the upcoming Tri-High Charity Week, please contact [email protected].
Hello Highlanders!
We are so excited to get everyone back to school! Remember, all things can be found here in the Rochester Adams High School PTSA - Home Page ( Check our committees, meeting minutes, links and more.
Information will be coming out to our student committee chairs about graduation cords – please have your student keep an eye out for an email.
Is your Junior interested in volunteer hours and school spirit? We are in the early stages of forming a committee that will award hours for students who attend various school events to spread the Highlander pride. (sporting events, club competitions, etc.) Next year’s Seniors can chair or co-chair the new committee. If interested, please email [email protected].
If you or your business is interested in donating items for the upcoming Tri-High Charity Week, please contact [email protected].
Pasquale Cusumano, Principal
Todd Calcamuggio, Assistant Principal
Luke Swanson, Assistant Principal
Pasquale Cusumano, Principal
Todd Calcamuggio, Assistant Principal
Luke Swanson, Assistant Principal
Free 2nd Semester Food Service - New Registration Required
FREE MEALS! The USDA approved a waiver effective August 31, 2020, that provides breakfast and lunch meals, free of charge, for all children 18 years of age and younger, including ATPS students 26 years of age and younger. Meals, which meet guidelines from the USDA and Michigan Department of Education, will be distributed through the Rochester Community Schools food service program.
When students are in school in person, daily breakfast and lunch will be served onsite in school cafeterias. Weekly curbside meal service DOES require NEW registration. Families requesting weekly curbside meals after January 21, 2021 must submit a new registration using this link:
When students are in school in person, daily breakfast and lunch will be served onsite in school cafeterias. Weekly curbside meal service DOES require NEW registration. Families requesting weekly curbside meals after January 21, 2021 must submit a new registration using this link:
News From the Counseling Department
Khan Academy - PSAT/SAT Test Practice
We are encouraging all Adams students to utilize Khan Academy as practice for future PSAT/SAT testing. Khan Academy provides students with personalized practice and study opportunities based on previous test scores when students link their Khan Academy account to their College Board account. See the instruction below on how to set up and use your Khan Academy account.

khan_login_instructions_2021.pdf |
Student 1:1 Device
RCS is committed to being a 1:1 district. Secondary students should bring their fully charged Chromebook or personal computer ready to use each day. Students who prefer to use their own personal computer or laptop from home and at school, should not check out an RCS Chromebook. Please consider that we recommend the device being used by a student has a working camera to support attendance, collaboration, and completing assignments. Using a district issued Chromebook provides a consistent experience and helps RCS provide the best support possible. As we maximize our budget and resources, we encourage families to be considerate and only check out district devices that will be used.
If you are in need of a device please fill out this form on the Technology website.
If you have other technical issues or questions, please visit our Technology Support website.
If you are in need of a device please fill out this form on the Technology website.
If you have other technical issues or questions, please visit our Technology Support website.
Informational Meeting on Active and Reserve Component of the Army
Calling all HIGHLANDERS!!!! Have you have ever thought about the military as an option for post High School Graduation.... then look no further. Staff Sergeant Roberts wants to educate young men and women on the options and benefits associated with serving the Active or Reserve Component of the Army. This is purely informational and to answer any questions you may have!!!! Bring a pen, paper, and a whole bunch of questions so Staff Sergeant Roberts can assist you with the answers.
Zoom meetings happen every Wednesday @ 1:00 p.m. Looking forward to meeting you!
Staff Sergeant Roberts, Michael
US Army Recruiter
Zoom meeting:
Zoom meetings happen every Wednesday @ 1:00 p.m. Looking forward to meeting you!
Staff Sergeant Roberts, Michael
US Army Recruiter
Zoom meeting: